Taking risks

 Happy Wednesday babes! How are you guys doing this week? I am currently watching a major throwback right now….. Laguna beach. I used to be obsessed with this show, especially The Hills.  It’s so funny watching this show and how they all grew up and it seemed like they just ran wild in Laguna beach with no care in the world. They also acted so much older than they actually were. The house parties they threw or going to Cabo for spring break with no parents is just wild to me- I don’t know anyone when I was in high school who was going to be in Cabo without parents. Again, they are on a TV show and it is definitely dramatized and glamorized as this fantasy teenage dream. Does any of that make sense? I feel like when I watch this show I dream of living out this fantasy of wishing I was a teenager in the early 2000s. 


I wanted to talk about taking risks, and it definitely relates to last week's post. In life we need to take risks, if we never take risks we will never grow and will stay stagnated. How boring is that? As humans, we crave change, we crave new things. We need to change and allow for us to grow. If you are scared to take a risk for whatever you want to do in life, go out and do it. Stop being scared to take the risk, the reward will outweigh the risk. Don’t let the fear or uncertainty hold you back. You will never allow yourself to fail, if taking this certain risk doesn’t workout that’s okay. You will figure out what to do next, with the decisions you make in life you learn from there. Good or bad decisions. Would you rather spend life going through the motions and not being fulfilled or would you rather be living life to the fullest and taking risks? There is more to life than just working, working towards the weekend. About a year ago or so I watched this video and I can’t remember who was in the video but I know it was on Facebook. In the video the guy was talking about how 70% of people hate their week and only enjoy 30% of the week. It was something along those lines, and that really resonated with me, after I heard that I was determined not to be one of those people who work for the weekends. Life is too short to work at a shitty job, that’s unfulfilling and working for one vacation a year. How many people out there work and use their vacation for that one family trip a year and that’s all the time off they get? How sad is that… Stop allowing yourself to settle, stop doing the normal. Start wanting more for yourself, start doing what you want and go after what your passion is. Why do we allow ourselves to settle and suffer? Why are we taught that we all have to grow up, go to college, get our career job, meet our soulmate, have babies, work at said job for 30 some years and that’s it? I know for some people that is the American dream, but why not chase your dreams and do something more for yourself. I often wonder how many people sit and think about their goals and dreams. Do people even have dreams and goals nowadays? If you are reading this and you haven’t seriously thought about your goals or what you want for yourself, sit down and think about them, write them down even. 

I don’t want this blog to think I am yelling at you guys but holy shit….. LIfe is too damn short to not chase your goals and want more for yourself. Stop right now this very second telling yourself that you can’t do x,y,z. Let go of that self doubt,you can achieve your goals and dreams. The best decision I have ever made was to quit my toxic job and start my own health and wellness business. Do I know what I am doing? Do I know what is going to happen? Hell no… I have no idea where this business is going to take me or what is going to happen. What I do know is that I’m going to pursue this dream and go after it. Start living life to your true potential and stop the self limiting beliefs. 

I know the thought of thinking about chasing your dreams sounds scary, intimidating and a lot of fear probably crosses your mind. What terrifies you the most? The unknown or being content with what you are doing in life right now. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and create memories. Would you rather when you retire with regret of not living life to the fullest, traveling and chasing your goals and dreams or live your golden years knowing that you chased your dreams, you traveled and truly lived life to its fullest? Those are questions you should be asking yourself. Another thing to think about is what is your current life situation looking like right now? I was living a life full of self hatred, low self esteem, toxic relationships, a toxic job and now I am living life to the fullest, working on my self love and I left my toxic job. Don’t get me wrong I am still working on myself (you should always be working on yourself in my opinion) but I am so much happier, and really feel like I am living my life and found my life purpose. Learning to love yourself and diving into yourself will help you. Help figure out, and open your mind. In my last blog post I talked all about self love, self help books and honoring your body. If you haven’t checked it out, go give it a read. Reading books and diving into myself, opened my mind and helped me grow as a person. It truly has helped me figure out what I want in life, my purpose, and my mission in life. 

This is your sign to go after what you want in life, dive into yourself, grow and educate. Life is meant to be enjoyed and living life to the fullest. I hope you guys enjoyed the blog this week and took something from it. Go out and live your best damn life babes. 

In health, 

