Where have I been?

Hello sweet angels,  How are you? Wow…. It’s been so long since I have posted. I think over a year? I had my old blog posts but I can’t find them anywhere and I had to create a new blog. I have truly missed writing and talking to you guys. A lot has happened, I don’t even know where to begin or maybe this should be a fresh and new start? 

I was going through this really rough bad rocky time, I wasn’t sure what I was doing or my purpose, I had a lot of self doubt and just felt really lost. I was chugging a long and felt like I was at stand still with starting a business and creating a business. My whole passion is whole health, non toxic living and diving into your inner goddess, I was thriving and so happy about it but then I lost sight of it and then  I tried being that girl- you know the gym rat girl but that I felt so fake to me and like I was trying to live in a past life. Like I was going through a serious identity crisis….. I was also in such a weird time in life, I was in between jobs and my husband just came back from deployment and that was an adjustment. It was a weird time and I felt like I started to lose myself again and lose sight of my passion and what I value. I have been on this self love, goddess energy journey for awhile and then I let myself get in the way of that… why do we allow ourselves to let go of what we want and our vision? I allowed myself to put my values, my passion and dreams on the back burner and lost sight of me and what I want, I think for many of us that happens but what’s important is that we get back on it. We find our way back to things that matter to us. 

I felt like I really didn’t lose a part of me and forget what I stand for, what I want and believe in- Clarity is what I needed and to go through the though shit to get back to me. We all have those season of life. I want to remind all of you that we all go through it- hard times, sad times, embarrassing times and it’s all meant to help us find who we are, get back to our roots and values. I know for myself I’m alway finding my way and even get I get lost I find myself again. 

I’m really excited to start my blog again and I hope that this resonates with at least one person- and to remind you that it’s okay. It’s okay to go through the struggle, to lose yourself we all go through it and what’s important is we find our way back. 

In health, 



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